June 2018, Sumatera Utara exports decreased by 36.87 percent, while imports decreased by 30.67 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Samosir Regency


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June 2018, Sumatera Utara exports decreased by 36.87 percent, while imports decreased by 30.67 percent

Release Date : August 14, 2018
File Size : 0.65 MB


 Export value through loading port in Sumatera Utara area in June 2018 decreased compared to May 2018 from US $ 871.11 million to US $ 549.93 million or decreased by 36.87 percent. When compared to June 2017, Sumatera Utara exports decreased by 13.00 percent.
 The greatest decline in export value of Sumatera Utara in June 2018 to May 2018 occurred in fats and animal / vegetable oil (HS 15) of US $ 126.57 million (-37.27%) followed by chemical products (HS 38) $ 36.42 million (-37.38%), and rubber and rubber goods (HS 40) of US $ 35.77 million (-32.97%).
 Exports to the United States in June 2018 were the largest with US $ 72.71 million, followed by China with US $ 68.12 million and India with US $ 38.34 million with contribution of 32.58 percent.
 According to export destination countries in June 2018, exports to the Asian region (outside ASEAN) were the largest with a value of US $ 183.66 million (33.40 percent).

 Import value through Sumatera Utara June 2018 based on CIF (cost, insurance & freight) of US $ 390.15 million, or decreased by 30.67 percent compared to May 2018 which reached US $ 563.47 million. When compared with the same month in the previous year, import value increased by 31.15 percent.
 Import value of June 2018 compared to May 2018, capital goods decreased by 39.31 percent, raw material / helpers decreased by 23.89 percent, and consumer goods decreased by 57.78 percent.
 In June 2018, the category of goods that experienced the greatest decline in the value of imports was the waste of food industry (HS 23) of US $ 24.77 million (-53.90%), while the category of goods that experienced the largest increase in import value of fuel minerals (HS27) of US $ 19.41 million (27.77%).
 The import value of June 2018 from China was the largest of US $ 112.20 million with its role reaching 28.76 percent of total Sumatera Utara imports, followed by Singapore amounting to US $ 77.11 million (19.77%), and Malaysia with US $ 28 , 81 million (7.38%).
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