Sumatera Utara Province Farmer Exchange Rate in August 2018 amounted to 97.67 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Samosir Regency


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Sumatera Utara Province Farmer Exchange Rate in August 2018 amounted to 97.67

Release Date : September 5, 2018
File Size : 0.27 MB


• In August 2018, Sumatera Utara Province NTP (2012 = 100) was recorded at 97.67 or relatively stable compared to July 2018 NTP.
• NTP in August 2018 is relatively stable, but there is a change in NTP according to subsector. Food Crop Subsector FTT rose by 0.36 percent, Horticultural Subsector NTP increased by 1.18 percent, and the Livestock Subsector NTP increased by 1.50 percent. While the NTP of the People's Plantation Crops sub-sector fell by 1.72 percent, and the Fisheries Sub-sector's NTP dropped by 0.03 percent.
• Changes in the Household Consumption Index (IKRT) reflect the rate of rural inflation / deflation. In August 2018 there was relatively no change in the household consumption index. However, according to the household consumption group, the foodstuffs group index fell by 0.22 percent, while the index of the processed food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco group rose by 0.28 percent, the housing group index rose by 0.06 percent, the clothing group index rising by 0.18 percent, the health group index rose by 0.12 percent, the education, recreation and sports group index rose by 0.39 percent, and the transportation and communication group index rose by 0.01 percent.
• Sumatera Utara Province Agriculture Household Business Exchange (NTUP) August 2018 amounted to 106.26 or down 0.12 percent compared to the previous month's NTUP.
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